Why Great Artists Don’t Always Make Great Tattoo Artists: VIDEO

Why Great Artists Don't Always Make Great Tattoo Artists
Credit: Rodas Dechassa

It’s hard to forget your first tattoo. For this week’s My First Time, Diandra recounts the day her cousin did a stick and poke tattoo along the side of her ribs.

Just because someone you know might be a talented artist, doesn’t always mean that they are just as skilled a tattoo artist. After her cousin spontaneously decided to buy stick and poke tattoo supplies, Diandra was ready to be her first customer, asking for a sunflower design. She now claims that it looks a little closer to a daisy, but still likes it.

One thing that stood out to her more than the pain though, was the sound. As an untrained artist, her cousin didn’t have the technique down and the process was likely making more sound that it should have. Diandra’s solution? Turn the music up louder.

There are some misconceptions about how long stick and poke tattoos last, but Diandra’s is definitely there for good. Although the thought of covering it up has crossed her mind, she says she’d feel guilty and that she doesn’t mind having a funny story to tell. After all, your body, your story.

Want more? Check out the rest of our My First Time videos.

Thinking about getting your first tattoo? Make sure you know these 13 important things so that you feel confident when deciding to commit. If you’re still wavering on your exact design choice or placement, consider test driving the tattoo with inkbox.

Browse inkbox’s 2,500+ catalog designs created by artists around the world or use the custom platform to create any fresh design you have in mind. All of inkbox’s tattoos look like permanent tattoos, but only last for one to two weeks, so they give you a chance to live with your prospective tattoo and placement of choice to see if it’s the right fit for you.

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